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EHR Best Practices

EHR Best Practices

Elation Billing Quick Start Training

Learn how to tackle revenue cycle management with Elation’s billing solution.

EHR Best Practices

Elation EHR Quick Start Training

Learn the core workflows and features that you need to start seeing patients on Elation.

EHR Best Practices

Elation’s Security Recommendations | Elation Best Practices

EHR Best Practices

Patient Medical History Forms | Elation Best Practices

EHR Best Practices

NPP Visit Requirements (Cosigning) | Elation Best Practices

EHR Best Practices

Elation Health Webinar: Learn More About a Clinical-first EHR Experience

EHR Best Practices

Calendar Management & Appointments | Elation Best Practices

EHR Best Practices

Tackling Scheduling Use Cases | Elation Best Practices

Learn how to address common scheduling scenarios like setting availability and finding appointment history.

EHR Best Practices

Charting notes more efficiently | Elation Best Practices

Learn about Elation’s different visit note layouts and how to complete your notes more efficiently with templates and automation.

EHR Best Practices

*E Intro to Value-Based Programs Series: Risk scoring made easy

Learn how to accurately risk stratify your patients and successfully manage high needs patients to improve your reimbursement.

EHR Best Practices

*E Best Practices: Coordinating In-house Actions: Injections, Procedures, Labs, and Release Letters

Learn best practices for in-house injections, procedures, labs, and letters.

EHR Best Practices

Enabling Virtual Care with Elation | Elation Best Practices

Learn which tools and configurations you should leverage in Elation to deliver care virtually to your patients

EHR Best Practices

*E Best Practices: Self-scheduling and Forms from the Patient’s Point-of-View

Learn what the self-scheduling and forms experience looks like from your patient’s point-of-view.

EHR Best Practices

*E Best Practices: Patient Passport from the Patient’s Point-of-View

Learn what the patient portal experience looks like from your patient’s point-of-view.

EHR Best Practices

*E Best Practices: Chronic Care Management (CCM) Documentation

Learn how to document a longitudinal care plan and track time spent towards your patients.

EHR Best Practices

*E Best Practices: Driving Action at the Point-of-Care

Learn best practices for addressing Elation’s clinical reminders and creating custom reminders

EHR Best Practices

*E Best Practices: Medical Intake & Chart Prep Efficiency

Learn tips to accelerate your MA intake and chart prep process

EHR Best Practices

*E Best Practices: Ordering from Elation

Learn how to transmit orders from Elation and avoid common errors

EHR Best Practices

*E Best Practices: Managing the Med List and ePrescribing

Learn how to clean up your medication list and ePrescribe more easily.

EHR Best Practices

*E Best Practices: Encounter Billing and Patient Payments

Learn how to successfully bill encounters and collect patient payments.

EHR Best Practices

*E Best Practices: Visit Note Documentation and Efficiency

Learn about our different visit note types and how to improve your documentation efficiency.

EHR Best Practices

*E Best Practices: Calendar Management and Scheduling

Learn how to best configure calendars and address different scheduling scenarios.

EHR Best Practices

*E Best Practices: Streamline Provider Account Authentication

Join us as we shed light on the Provider Authentication process. Learn how to avoid common authentication errors to unlock clinical functionality more quickly.

EHR Best Practices

Account & User Administration | Elation Best Practices

EHR Best Practices

Practice Operations Training

A Best Practices review of staff and administrative settings and workflows in Elation.

EHR Best Practices

Before & After the Visit Training

A Best Practices review of the administrative workflows and everything you need to know to prepare for before and after a patient visit using Elation.

EHR Best Practices

During the Visit Training

A Best Practices overview for charting a patient encounter and performing basic clinical activities in Elation.