Understanding what kind of companies can benefit the most from on-site, near-site employer care

Most of the discussion around on-site healthcare clinics highlight larger companies that offer the benefits to their employees as incentives for recruiting, retention, and improved health. In reality, however, there are different options available for on-site and near-site employer care that are appropriate for companies of all sizes.
Larger companies that have the resources can benefit significantly from on-site healthcare clinics. Establishing a clinic on the company’s premises may require hiring staff, investing in a facility, and funding all the necessary expenses of a private clinic. The rewards for the employer are seen in improved productivity and a healthier, happier workforce.
On-site employer healthcare clinics typically work well for large companies that have a limited number of facilities. Employees who work at satellite locations or other off-site facilities may not be able to take advantage of the employer clinic located on the campus of the main worksite. Most employers offer the on-site clinic services to employees’ families as well, so the on-site care will also benefit those employees who live relatively close to the company’s main site.
Large companies with multiple facilities and smaller companies may benefit more from offering their employees healthcare at a near-site clinic. As discussed in a recent article in Employee Benefit News (EBN), “For smaller, self-funded companies that do not have large budgets for additional benefit options, near-site clinics are certainly a more affordable option.”
Near-site clinics are run by an independent staff and require no start-up investment on the part of the employer. The clinics are shared by a number of employers, who generally pay a monthly fee to the clinic for providing healthcare services to their employees. Near-site clinics work well for smaller companies that do not have the resources to build a clinic on-site and for larger companies that have employees (and their families) scattered in various locations.