Report shows the impact of onsite employer health clinics

Improved access to healthcare services generally results in improved patient outcomes. Employers who provide access to an on-site health clinic for their employees work generally experience lowered absenteeism and workers compensation claims.
A 2015 study conducted by the National Business Group on Health and Truven Health Analytic involved a survey of 107 large employers, with a total of over 4 million employees, regarding their healthcare benefits and resulting workers comp and disabilities benefits. Of those participating in the study, 60% offered “some form of health care services at their worksites, with 48% indicating that they offer acute care and 33% offering occupational health services.”
The study found that absenteeism and workers compensation claims were both reduced among those employers offering on-site health clinics. Employees who have convenient access to preventative care as well as diagnostic and treatment services are less likely to miss a day’s work because of an illness. Preventative care often includes vaccines and inoculations that help keep employees healthy during flu season, for example. Minor aches and illnesses can be treated on-site, without missing a significant amount of work, which encourages employees to see their physicians more often.
On-site health clinics and other wellness programs offered to employees also have an impact on the rate of injuries and workers comp and disability claims. Many of these clinics offer wellness programs such as fitness instruction or smoking cessation classes, helping employees become healthier and less injury-prone. Those employers participating in the study that provided on-site fitness programs reported workers compensation costs that were 21% lower than those employers without such a program.
Other studies have also shown that the patient engagement level that results from on-site health clinics can improve patient outcomes. When employees have available resources on-site, including convenient communication tools, they are more likely to become more involved in their own healthcare plan.