Small updates to 1-column note, scheduler, patient letters, and bulk refills

Small updates to 1-column note, scheduler, patient letters, and bulk refills October 15, 2015
Dear Elation Community,
Our team made a few small updates and fixes to Elation affecting the Complete H&P 1-column note, scheduler, patient letters, and bulk refills.
1. “Data” section added to the Complete H&P 1-column note
We recognized that there was a need to also have a “Data” section in the Complete H&P 1-column note, like the other Complete H&P visit note types. As a result, a “Data” section is now available in the 1-column visit note type!
2. Additional appointment time block intervals
You should now see the option to set your appointment time block interval for 20 min or 25 min. You can see this option under Settings > Admin Users Only: Scheduler.
3. Bug fix: Patient letter reply draft getting erased when taking other actions in patient chart
We fixed a bug that was caused patient letter reply drafts getting wiped out when users were composing messages, signing off on other letters, and signing off on order forms. We know that this was causing a real painpoint for some of you, so we hope this is good news!
4. Bug fix: Bulk refill adding in an extra “R” to Rf field and causing errors
We fixed a bug that was adding in an extra “R” letter to the Rf field when using our bulk refill feature, which was causing errors. This is now fixed! If you want to learn more about what bulk refills are, you can learn more about this here.
We hope these small, but important updates are helpful to our community.
Elation Team