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Vote for Primary Care at SXSW 2023

SXSW PanelPicker Voting Twitter

For next year’s South by Southwest (SXSW) event, we are excited to have the opportunity to bring together panelists Kyna FongDr. Stella Saffo, and Dan O’Neill to discuss our topic “The U.S. Healthcare System is Gaslighting You”, and we need your vote to get to Austin. 

As many of us intimately know, the United States healthcare system can be quite manipulative. We’re told that the exorbitant amount of money we throw into the system will make Americans healthier, when in reality, we’re still ranked last in health care outcomes, equity, administrative efficiency and access to care compared with other high-income countries. Between the empty promises and being told solutions are available to minimize health inequality, it is clear that the system as a whole is gaslighting us.

According to Oxford Languages, to gaslight is to: Manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity

But there is hope: primary care. Leveraging primary care, both as a healthcare system and as an individual healthcare consumer, drives better outcomes and enhances patient autonomy – in a system that profits from uninformed patients and unnecessary healthcare spending. Help us bring primary care to the forefront of discussion by voting for our topic on the SXSW stage where Kyna and the panelists will have an unfiltered conversation on factors that led to our broken sick care system and why primary care is the hero we all need to put an end to the gaslighting!

Voting opens August 9th – 21st, and it’s quick and easy. Simply follow this link, sign in or create an account (you will have to verify from a system-generated email), navigate to our topic page and sign in, and select the “arrow up” option for our topic: “The U.S. Healthcare System is Gaslighting You”.

Be sure to follow us on TwitterInstagramLinkedIn, and Facebook for your regular voting reminders this month. Don’t be shy, let us know what you think – and we hope to see you in Austin at SXSW next year!