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2018 updates to Clinical Quality Measures (CQM) Dashboard

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2018 updates to Clinical Quality Measures (CQM) Dashboard

2018 updates to Clinical Quality Measures (CQM) Dashboard June 29, 2018

Clinical quality measures (CQMs) are integral in the successful completion of both MIPS and CPC+. Within Elation, physicians and staff have access to a CQM Dashboard for an easy and efficient way to track progress on CQMs and a practice’s current performance. By utilizing this dashboard, CPC+ and MIPs participants can stay on top of these quality programs.

As these programs have updated, Elation’s CQM Dashboard has also updated to reflect any new changes to these programs. This means your practice can worry less about program requirements and dedicate more time toward providing the phenomenal care that allows you to successfully participate in these programs.

Here is an overview of how you can utilize Elation’s CQM Dashboard:

To access the CQM Dashboard, click on the Reports dropdown and select “Clinical Quality Measures”.

Here, you will have access to your up to date dashboard with relevant CQMs for MIPS and insights into how your practice is performing against 30% and 70% benchmarks for CPC+.

If you have questions about a specific measure, simply click on the CMS link just below the name of the measure and you will be taken to a Help Center article which will provide a detailed overview of that measure. Each article also contains step-by-step instructions, complete with screenshots and GIFs, demonstrating how to meet the measure in Elation.

CPC+ Dashboard:

MIPS Dashboard:

Click on “View List” to see a breakdown of patients who are meeting measures versus the patients who are not meeting criteria for measures. From here, you can click on the patient’s name to access their chart and document completion of a screening, schedule the patient for a follow up visit, or take any other necessary actions.

Ultimately, we’re here to help make providing care simpler so that you can boost your performance for 2018 MIPS and CPC+ reporting. If you have any questions or need further guidance email us at We’re happy to help!



About the Author

Leona Rajaee is Elation’s Content Marketing Manager, bringing a unique blend of expertise in health policy and communication. She holds a BS in Journalism and Science, Technology, and Society from California Polytechnic State University and an MS in Health Policy and Law from the University of California, San Francisco. Since joining Elation, Leona has passionately contributed to the company’s blog, utilizing her knowledge to illuminate the complexities of health policy.

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