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How to Request your Data when Leaving your EMR

You’ve been with your EMR forever, but you’ve decided you’ve had enough: you need to explore better options. Congratulations! Now you need to transfer your patient charts to your new EMR so you don’t skip a beat providing care. *Gulp* What to do now!?

Getting your data from your old EMR can be an intimidating process but don’t worry, it’s very achievable. Here are the steps to take when deciding to make the move.

Step 1:

Send a certified letter or an email to your old EMR informing them you are leaving and you will need a bulk data export of all patient charts.

Step 2:

Ask for information about how they handle their data export services.

Here’s what we recommend asking:

  • List of the bulk data export options offered (including all possible data export formats)
  • Costs associated with each of the data export options
  • Timeline for completing each of the data export options
  • Methods used for securely sending the data once the export is complete

Step 3:

Forward the answers you receive to your new EMR, their data migration team should be able to help you choose the best solution for your needs.

Step 4:

Request your data from your old EMR, again, by certified letter or email.

Step 5:

Pass your data to your new EMR representative to populate your patient charts!

Unfortunately, some EMRs might try to charge you an arm and a leg to get YOUR data out of their EMR. It’s unfortunate that you have to deal with these questionable company practices, but you can be glad you are moving on from an EMR that holds your data hostage.

If you are moving to Elation then you can rest easy. Your data belongs to you and we will never charge you a dime to take it with you should you decide to leave.

It’s intimidating to think about switching your EMR. Hopefully, with these tips, the process will be a bit easier.

Your friends at Elation