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Sharing health information through video

Whether the intent is to market an independent practice or to provide general information about medical concerns, sharing health information through the use of video has been found to be effective when designed and presented appropriately. A lot of misinformation exists online so creating a quality, informative video can help dispel those myths, establishing the provider as a knowledgeable resource.

When creating an informative health-related video, it is critical to keep two points in mind throughout the process:

  • The information shared should always be HIPAA-compliant and non-specific.

  • The video should be written and delivered so that patients can clearly understand the content presented.

Why are health videos important for the independent practice? They can actually improve search results when potential patients are looking for a new physician. According to a recent Forbes article, Google search results now include maps, images, social media posts, and videos. It’s been found that 26% of search results contain links to videos.

Many of those Google health-related searches are for information regarding medical conditions and treatments. Video that shows up as a result can help the independent practice become more visible and can reinforce the expertise of the provider with solid, educational content.

Posting on a platform such as YouTube and posting on social media sites, with a link on the practice website, can increase traffic that results from the search results. YouTube has been making an effort to remove the disinformation found in many of its videos and to promote quality, evidence-based content. Patients are probably familiar with the YouTube platform and will be more likely to click on links leading to videos posted there.

When sharing health information through videos, consider the needs of patients and potential patients. Include such topics as:

  • An introduction to the practice itself, highlighting any specialty or niche areas as well as the experience, expertise, and personality of the practice team.

  • An introduction to the independent physician, designed to build trust. Explain the provider’s philosophy of care and build a sense of empathy with patients.

  • Videos explaining specific conditions without going into a specific patient’s HIPAA-protected situation. If the practice treats certain conditions on a regular basis, a helpful video on symptoms and treatment options can benefit patients by proactively answering their questions.

  • Videos giving patients insight into treatment options, providing answers in a general way without addressing specific patient situations. For example, the video can explain what a procedure might typically entail, including expected healing and recovery time.

Sharing health information through video is a way to help patients understand more about what they may be experiencing or a treatment that may be upcoming for their condition or injury. An “explainer” video must be clear and concise and presented in layman’s terms. The video should focus on simplifying terminology and clarifying important healthcare-related topics while also dispelling the myths that may also show up in the patient’s online search.

When conducting that search, patients may be looking for information on:

  • Warning signs of heart failure

  • Potential causes of stomach pains

  • What to expect during a physical exam

  • What to expect during a hospital stay

  • Physician-recommended healthy eating habits

  • Ways to avoid infectious diseases.

Throughout each video, the physician should make it clear that the information provided is not explicit medical advice. Patients who want to follow up should contact the practice for an appointment to discuss their specific concerns or conditions. Then be sure to include that contact information for the provider presenting the health information in the video.