Introducing the PHQ-9 Questionnaire to Elation

Easily document a patient’s PHQ-9 screening directly in the patient’s chart!
Elation is excited to announce that we have added the PHQ-9 depression screening questionnaire to the patient chart. Now you can easily capture a patient’s PHQ-9 screening answer directly in the patient’s clinical profile, and Elation will automatically calculate the PHQ-9 score based on what’s entered.
How does this help my practice?
- Easily document PHQ-9 responses – Elation provides a structured PHQ-9 form that can be easily completed.
- Automatically calculate the PHQ-9 score – Once the form is completed, Elation will also calculate the PHQ-9 score based on the responses.
How does this feature work?
How to start using this feature
Any provider or staff can access the PHQ-9 form directly in the patient’s chart.
- When in a patient chart, navigate to the history section of the patient’s clinical profile on the left-hand side.
- Under the Psych section, click the “Add special” dropdown and chose “Depression (PHQ-9 Questionnaire)”
- Click “Fill out form”
- Complete the questions, and a total score will be calculated based on the selected answers
What is PHQ-9 and why is it important?
PHQ-9 or the Patient Health Questionnaire is a nine-item depression scale questionnaire based on the nine diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder in the DSM-IV. It is a multipurpose screening tool used to assist clinicians with diagnosing depression, measuring its severity, and monitoring treatment response. It can be used for adolescents as young as 12 years and can be administered rapidly in a variety of ways. It is particularly valuable in a clinical setting because it is well validated for a range of populations and is brief compared to other depression rating scales.
Click here to log into Elation and start using the new form today!