Latest findings show value-based care impact on preventative care and care quality

Preventive screenings occurred at a higher rate under value-based care than with physicians in a fee-for-service arrangement, according to the latest report published by Humana, a healthcare payer. The Value-Based Care Report published annually for the past five years, examines the physicians within the Humana system and their impact on patients. Chronic condition management also improved with the value-based care model.
The report cites the example of breast cancer screenings, in which “patients affiliated with physicians in value-based care agreements had a higher frequency rate of breast cancer screenings (78 percent) compared to patients affiliated with physicians in fee-for-service (69 percent) and fee-for-service plus bonus agreements (69 percent).”
An increase in preventive screenings was also found among patients in value-based care for osteoporosis management, rheumatoid arthritis management, blood pressure control management, statin medication adherence, high blood pressure medication adherence, and adult BMI assessment. 83% of patients showed improved adherence to statin medication in value-based care, as contrasted with 79% of patients in the fee-for-service model. Medication reviews for older adult patients were reported at 96% in value-based care and 88% in fee-for-service care.
Humana reported that their physicians practicing in “value-based agreements had more favorable results than physicians in fee-for-service agreements in all HEDIS (Healthcare Effective Data and Information Set) Star measures.” Further, the report states, “Focusing on prevention and the whole health of their panel population allows physicians and their care teams to work more strategically to improve the care of their patients, thus keeping them home and out of the hospital and emergency room.”
Emergency room visits and hospital admissions were also significantly lower in the value-based care models than with fee-for-service physician practices. Proper and timely preventive care has been shown to have a significant impact on hospital stays as well. Overall, the report states, “physicians who practice value-based care are achieving higher rates of patient engagement in preventive screenings, medication adherence and management of chronic conditions as measured by HEDIS.”