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Why PCPs should care about value-based care

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Why PCPs should care about value-based care

Why PCPs should care about value-based care November 6, 2017

The shift from fee-for-service to value-based care is a topic of concern for many independent primary care physicians (PCPs). Of course, PCPs and value-based care usually always go hand-in-hand, as PCPs are focused on providing the highest quality care to their patients. However, with changing requirements and reimbursement guidelines there are many reasons that PCPs should care about the transition to value-based care in their field.

The shift to value-based care moves the independent physician away from tracking the number of patient visits and toward a better understanding of the quality of each visit as well as patient outcomes. As the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) notes, the focus on value-based care will “enable family physicians to finally be able to offer patients the kind of care that drew them to medicine in the first place – personal, proactive care that provides true value for patients without wasting resources.”

Some of the administrative burden in reporting may be a challenge for smaller practices, but there is primary care software available to help the PCP manage patient data more efficiently. Elation Health’s electronic health record (EHR) system for Primary Care Physicians, for example, assists the independent physician in driving outstanding patient outcomes while supporting the crucial patient-physician relationship.

AAFP reports that smaller practices may actually have an advantage when it comes to providing – and reporting – value-based care. According to the AAFP, Smaller practices have a lower average cost per patient, cause fewer preventable hospital admissions, and have lower readmission rates when compared with larger practices.”

Elation Health is also committed to the newly developing focus on PCPs and value-based care. We designed our EHR System for Primary Care Physicians to enable independent physicians to spend more time with patients and less time on paperwork. Our mission has always been and will continue to be a commitment to strengthening the relationship between patients and physicians, and enabling phenomenal care for everyone.