The Do’s and Don’ts of DPC physician marketing

As a direct primary care (DPC) physician, you have an added challenge of educating patients about the DPC model as you market your own practice. Many potential patients may not understand how the DPC practice works, so you will need to incorporate that information into your marketing efforts to successfully promote your services and staff. Elation has published the Direct Care Playbook, which includes a section on effective marketing strategies that should prove helpful to your practice.
The “do’s” of marketing as a DPC physician include:
- Make sure your current patients are happy, so they will spread the word! Word of mouth is without a doubt the most effective marketing technique you can employ. When your patients do the networking for you, it’s even better!
- Do your own networking in your community. Attend events, sponsor community and business activities, and make your name known in a positive way.
- Have an active online presence. In today’s digital world, potential patients look at websites and social media to determine which medical practice might work best for them.
- Make sure all of your relevant information is listed on your website, including contact information, hours of operations, and qualifications of you and your staff. Add an educational note about the benefits of the DPC model.
- Be consistent with your brand. Determine the image you want for your DPC practice and be sure that all of your marketing efforts relate back to that image, online and in person.
A few of the “don’ts of marketing” include:
- Don’t offer discounts or “sales” to entice new patients. You can actually be penalized for this, as it is illegal for a medical practice.
- Don’t get impatient with your marketing efforts. It takes time to get your practice known and to have your name become recognized in your community.
- Don’t violate HIPAA rules when posting on social media or your website. Online content cannot disclose any protected patient information.
- Don’t overuse medical terms when posting on social media or your website. Potential patients want to be able to understand the services you provide in clear terms that they can understand.
Marketing your DPC practice can be challenging but rewarding. Elation’s Direct Care Playbook can help!